It has recently come to my attention that, up until this point in life, I've only thought of unborn babies in 2 sizes: abortion sized and about-to-be-born sized.
(my apologies to all the people out there who can't handle the idea of abortion.)
And then I checked out TBD's current size on the What to Expect app--yeah, we call the tiny TBD for the moment--as I like to do every few weeks, and I realized that this kid is half an inch LONGER than my iPhone.
Enter: sudden queasiness.
On one hand, it's a relief to know that TBD is becoming a more viable size, like a real person. There's a certain sense of accomplishment to this.
On the other hand, I keep hearing the voice-over from that early 90s Aliens action figure commercial. Kinda unsettling. After a few days, I've become comfortable--even happy--with the idea that my uterus has ballooned to the size of a football, and shoved my internal organs out of the way on its climb to the top. The weird muscle stretching feeling in my abdomen, the growing itchy skin is definitely NOT an extraterrestrial trying to burst unnaturally through my abdominal wall.
(14 weeks pregnant)
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