Thursday, August 23, 2012

Birth Class Foodie Moment

Last night at birth class we had a lovely couple come in to share their birth story. The story was great (not scary), they seemed pretty cool, and their baby seemed to be the kind of baby I enjoy. The mom even referred to having a standard vag exam as getting fisted...and I got a good little chuckle out of that, of course.

But I was distracted through the whole second half because I was hung up on Fire Bowl Cafe.  Now, there is a reason I've never been to a Fire Bowl's because I don't believe in fake Chinese restaurants (that and they only seem to exist in suburbanesque strip malls--rarely a good sign).  DON'T lump together a bunch of pseudo-Asian cuisines and expect me to respect you enough to give you money. Ok, I could rant on this place forever.

The point is: this lovely couple mentioned they went to Fire Bowl Cafe while in early labor, and it sent me into a special mental space.

Later, we were divided into teams to play a game moms v. coaches. One of the moms I have identified as probably awesome made a quiet foodie-appropriate comment about the presenters' food judgments, and I was so excited to not be the only one with feelings about this! It was a nice moment for me, though probably seems totally trivial.

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