Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Twenty Reasons

20 reasons my man is the most awesome pregnancy partner in the world:

1. Despite ever-increasing workloads at the office, he has taken over most of our domestic tasks. He will leave work at 8pm and STILL go to the grocery store, do the dishes, switch out the bags in the mini trashcans (aka, emergency puke receptacles), and make sure the bathrooms are stocked for the night. He doesn't bring home his stress anymore, and I know that has to very difficult for him.

2. He joins me in occasionally breaking pregnancy rules (nothing dangerous, of course.)

3. Even when he's asleep in the middle of the night, he senses my queasiness/offness and reaches over with comforting mini-snuggles.

4. He is ever vigilantly scanning for potential nausea/emotion triggers and immediately counteracts them as much as possible, like a ninja!

5. He is better at gauging my likely reaction to things than I am.

6. He is quite funny and adorable.

7. He nerds out at our birthing class.

8. He brings me surprises...often.

9. He makes me try new things even when I don't want to, and I tell him that he's making me hate him a little in that moment...but he also doesn't push too hard.

10. He has made it so I haven't had to deal with any of the financial changes of having a baby. He's just  on it!

11. He can kick any other planner's ass! Seriously.

12. He is a skilled buffer between me and any persons that might stress me out--this is trickier and more stressful than it might sound.

13. He super encourages me to get massages/haircuts/facials because I'm not just a vessel, I'm a woman struggling, and he thinks anything that makes me feel better--even just briefly--is totally worth it...even though I sometimes resist.

14. He has developed the ability to repeatedly remind without nagging--a pregnancy brain necessity.

15. When I am in crying freakouts, he puts the West Wing on in the background without having to be asked. And even when he's in a hurry, he never makes me feel rushed to pull it together.

16. I have never once felt alone in this process.

17. He listens to me talk about the many gross things that happen in my body, and he doesn't make ME feel gross. In fact, he is great at making me feel as pretty as one can when working for the Oscar for best orca in a puking role.

18. He brings the compassionate reality check when it is needed...which is often.

19. He slept on the couch for what seemed like forever, when we still had a bed too small to accomodate both our chubster bodies and my legion of support pillows....And then he bought the most amazing bed for us.

20. He still laughs when I make really sketchy pregnancy/abortion/judging other parents comments. As in, "Omg, this place is breeder central--disgusting. Look at that woman with her filthy litter of ill-behaved brats. She obviously didn't know about her right to choose..." He doesn't expect me to magically be a totally different person because I'm pregnant, and he doesn't make me feel like I'm going to be a bad mother just because I don't melt at the sight of babies.

I love this man, and after I pop this baby out, I'm so going to do everything I can to be the best life partner eva'!

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